Monday, September 30, 2019

Pressure ulcers Essay

The occurrence of pressure ulcers as a complication for majority of the immobile patients have been a nursing care concern for years now. The care outcome of these patients should include lowering the incidence of pressure ulcers because of the increased risk for altered skin integrity. Albeit impossible to be eliminated, most especially the site of these pressure ulcers, which are commonly found in the bony prominences of the body, there is still a bigger chance of minimizing the amount of skin damage. A study was conducted on how the heath care team, with focus on the physicians and the nurses, can lower the occurrence of pressure ulcers by simply implementing academic detailing (Kleinpell, 2008). Academic detailing made use of an individualized method of informing and facilitating learning about a particular topic (Kleinpell, 2008). The interventions included to reduce the risk of pressure ulcers were reminders on how to obtain devices to reduce pressure ulcers, feedbacks on rates of occurrence, one-on-one clinical instructions on methods to reduce development of pressure ulcers, and focused preventive interventions like that of the pillow campaign (Kleinpell, 2008). The study was a success because the rate of occurrence lowered from 50% to 8% (Kleinpell, 2008). The impact of this study to the nursing practice is of utmost importance because it asserts that complications such as pressure ulcers can be avoided, as long as the health care team is dedicated in implementing care the proper way to the patients who are at risk for such complications. If these complications can be avoided, the patient will be able to enjoy an easeful rehabilitation, lowered health care cost, and reduced length of stay at the hospital. This will also give more time to the health care team do other essential nursing care. The study proves that there are ways to make the hospital stay of patients worry-free and complication-free if only the health care team will make sure of doing whatever they can to achieve it.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ray Bradbury Comparative Paper Essay

Ray Bradbury, well-known American author, playwright, and poet, created his success on no more than his high school diploma. He did, however, learn many valuable lessons in life which he incorporates in his works. Ray Bradbury uses figurative language such as irony, personification, and imagery to artistically present his vision of life’s morals. Bradbury’s use of irony in his pieces establishes how mankind commonly contradicts himself. In â€Å"The Veldt†, George and Lydia hear screams that â€Å"sound familiar† but ignore them. The couple also finds their wallet and scarf and disregards how these items were chewed and covered in blood when they found them. George and Lydia receive their last clue when they enter the nursery and see the lions in the background feasting on an unknown prey. â€Å"They’ve just been eating†¦ [but they] don’t know what. † Ray Bradbury turns these foreshadowing events into irony when the parents are killed by the lions. It is ironic that they have seen the lions devouring something, saw the wallet and scarf, and heard the screams but do not realize that they were the lion’s meal and it was their screams that they heard and the scarf and wallet were chewed by the lions and covered in their own blood. Bradbury also uses irony in the â€Å"Happiness Machine. † Leo Auffmann created a machine which he claimed brought happiness to the occupant. He convinced his wife to â€Å"try it on† but when she got out she shouted, â€Å"It lies, that Sadness Machine. † This is ironic because what Leo thought was a Happiness Machine is really a Sadness Machine. Leo then finds that true happiness cannot be created by a machine but is found in the heart of his family. In â€Å"There Will Come Soft Rains†, the house reads a poem to the emptiness where a family once was. The poem explains how nature â€Å"would not mind†¦if mankind perished utterly. † It is ironic because the poem is warning the family how the war will destroy them but nature will continue on when that is exactly what has happened. The family has been killed and the house soon after dies but the sun continues to rise and set as if nothing has happened. Personification is another common literary device in Bradbury’s work. It is most prominent in â€Å"There Will Come Soft Rains. † Bradbury describes the house with human like qualities in how it defends itself against the fire which is also personified. The house â€Å"quivered at each sound† and is described as the attic being the brain and the exposed oak beams as â€Å"its bare skeleton† and all of â€Å"its nerves revealed. † The fire was personified when it â€Å"fed upon Picassos and Matisses†¦ [and] lay in beds, stood in windows. † Bradbury also described the fire as being â€Å"clever† as it attacked â€Å"the attic brain† and â€Å"rushed back into every closet and felt of the clothes hung there. † Bradbury also uses personification in â€Å"The Foghorn. † He gives the foghorn human-like characteristics when relating it to the monster. The foghorn made a â€Å"great deep cry† that vibrated in the â€Å"throat of the tower† as the â€Å"light, switching its tail,† shone bright in the distance. Bradbury continues to use personification in â€Å"The Veldt. † The nursery that Wendy and Peter spend most of their time in is described with human-like qualities. The walls changed from blankness to the veldt with a â€Å"purr† and â€Å"reproduced to the final pebble and bit of straw. † It is further personified when the room itself kills the parents. Bradbury also frequently uses imagery in his work. In â€Å"The Pedestrian†, he described the highways as â€Å"only dry riverbeds† empty of vehicles. Bradbury also points out the â€Å"tomblike buildings† and â€Å"gray phantoms† along the sides of the road. These vivid descriptions allow the reader to feel the loneliness and absence of life in the city and its streets. The imagery in â€Å"The Pedestrian† sets the mood and describes the setting. â€Å"The Foghorn† portrays another source of imagery. Bradbury makes the reader visualize the â€Å"long grey lawn of the sea stretching away into nothing and nowhere† with his descriptive vocabulary. He describes how the â€Å"stone tower† emitted a light that flashed red and white out to the â€Å"lonely ships† â€Å"in the cold water far from land. † This makes the reader understand how secluded McDunn and Johnny were out at the lighthouse and intensifies the oddness of the appearance of the sea monster. Imagery is also present when McDunn explains to Johnny how the monster â€Å"hid away in the Deeps. † The way he describes the â€Å"Deeps† makes it all seem magical yet realistic. Bradbury continues to use imagery in â€Å"The Happiness Machine. † Towards the end of the short story, Leo discovers a real happiness machine. When he describes this â€Å"machine,† he makes the reader visualize a pleasant and warm home filled with joy. This example of imagery contrasts how Bradbury typically uses his words to display desolation and despair. Ray Bradbury expresses similar patterns in his work by using irony, personification, and imagery. He writes with these three types of figurative language in different ways in all of his pieces of work. Bradbury takes common techniques of writing and makes them his own by using them in a certain way to present his ideas in a unique style.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Why do men and women have such different experiences of health?

In looking at the question â€Å"Why do men and women have such different experiences of health†, I am going to look into topics such as Biological differences, Gender responsibilities, and Sociological explanations. The diversity in male and females health begins from puberty, usually around the age of ten to fifteen in both sexes. Young women begin their menstrual cycle at an average age of thirteen, so it is acceptable to say that they are aware of their Physical self early on in life, women are more likely to visit their doctor as a result of menstruation, and are also encouraged by their friends, family and the Media to seek medical advice when they have a concern about their sexual health, which would lead to Routine visits for smear tests, or contraceptive advice. Conversely young men would not usually bother to go to the doctor possibly for the reason that they do not want to cause a fuss, or even their peers dismiss their ailment, with comments similar to â€Å"be a man†. Another biological factor is connected to differences in physical make-up other than biological function. This view is based on different genetic features; for example women are generally smaller and so men are generally considered to be stronger. This view is, however fraught with inconsistencies because of the variations that obviously exist in physical attributes among men and women. It also ignores social and cultural factors that are vital to any appreciation of gender. Our ideas in society tend to construct gender differences in health problems, there appears to be some evidence that men take more risks than women such as dangerous sports, Violent activities and hazardous occupations. Although women tend to consult doctors more often statistics suggest they have more ill health, this could be because women in their socially produced gender roles are seen as more acceptable to show weakness and seek medical help and also if they are going to the doctor they are more likely to be diagnosed, possibly if men visited the doctor more often there would be a change in that statistic. In childbirth, reproduction, and mental health, women are more likely to be given prescriptions for anti-depressants or tranquillisers, men however are more likely to have alcohol problems, a more socially acceptable response to stress than it is for women, although statistics indicate that women are catching up with men in the drinking stakes. A woman's role is often looking after everyone in the family so she tends to carry an added burden of stress with an attitude of having to soldier on with her responsibilities so she may be prone to physical and mental disorders. Victims of social and economic circumstances women tend to suffer from what is known as â€Å"housewife syndrome† the isolation and constant decision making involved in housework are very stressful as is the responsibility of looking after young children and managing a job, and of course we must not forget single mums they have the extra stress of either being on benefits and trying to feed themselves and their children as healthily as they can, or being the only wage earner trying to do the same with very little time to relax which is a contributing factor towards stress not forgetting, men are single parents as well and do suffer from the same financial factors as single mothers. In addition there are certain illnesses that women suffer from because of their biology such as post-natal depression, and the menopause, because women tend to live longer they are more likely to suffer from degenerative disorders like arthritis and senile dementia. And an alarming 21% of women suffer from some form of disability. Men are more at risk from Coronary heart disease and there is an increase in men only disorders such as Prostate, Testicular, and Bowel cancer. Gender social roles are becoming less important, girls are doing better than boys at school, they are more career minded than ever, the emphasis is on fending for themselves, its almost as if they don't need men. So where does that leave men? There is substantial evidence that more and more men live alone, there is an increase in the rates of mental illness, suicide, and even eating disorders. Present day mobility, lack of roots, weakened family structure and increased pressure to succeed have all been suggested as playing a part in the growing trend toward high suicide rates in young men. There are more emotional support networks aimed at women, leaving men feeling isolated, although the last five years has seen a boom in men's magazines such as FHM, Loaded and Maxim. These magazines investigate a large number of health issues concerning men, and they incorporate relevant medical information such as home examination of their testicals in a jocular light hearted way, they also contain contact numbers and advice lines, which must be a reasurance for men. The artefact theory suggests that the use of surveys for statistics is inaccurate because it fails to take into consideration the clinical iceberg where it is unknown how many people suffer illness as they don't always report it, also most health care happens in the home, usually women treating symptoms by self care. In the case of postal surveys not everyone will respond and generally women fill in the forms for other family members. It is also unreliable because the figures relate to males of working age and not females, or older and younger people also statistics change all the time. However a survey carried out in 1992 showed that there were major gender differences in knowledge, attitudes and behaviour relating to health. These figures come from surveys like the General Household Survey (GHS) which is a continuous survey based on a small sample of the population resident in private households in the UK, included in this survey are questions on fertility, housing, health, employment and education.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Financial Accounting principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Financial Accounting principles - Essay Example In actual practice, if a business is to be run at profit, it has to sell goods at such a price as will enable it to meet out not only expenses on account of cost of goods sold but also other numerous expenses like rent, salary, cartage, freight, commission , electricity, etc. Thus for making a profit, sales must be kept sufficiently high to meet all the other expenses. To emphasize the necessity of accounting, it can be said that accounting must provide the following information and we should ensure that we completely understand and analyze them: Accounting is defined as the 'the art of recording, classifying and summarizing in terms of money transactions and events of a financial character and interpreting the results thereof .' The American Accounting Association Committee defined accounting as - The process of identifying, measuring and communicating economic information to permit informed judgment and decision by the user of the information. The Accounting Principles Board of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) stated "the function of accounting is to provide quantitative information, primarily financial in nature about the economic entities that is intended to be useful in making economic decision." Business Managers and outside interested parties make use of accounting information for decision making that affect the business. The primary purpose of accounting is to provide information about financial transaction, i.e., transaction involving money of a business enterprise. When a person starts a business or even to maintain the accounts of his daily expenditure he must make use of financial accounts. The two primary objective of any business are To earn profit. To have sufficient funds to pay their debts as and when they are required to be paid. This information makes a firm or an individual person take the right business related decision which helps to take the business further. Thus, accounting information, if properly and systematically recorded and reported, can direct a business enterprise to run on successful and efficient lines. Before we move on to understand more about Financial accounting we must clearly understand the advantages-disadvantages and limitations of accounting. Advantages Maintenance of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Britain and the empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Britain and the empire - Essay Example Thompson believes that the concept of the new clock time, came into existence because of capitalistic interests, replaced the earlier perception of time3. These earlier perceptions of time, emanated from the collective wisdom of mankind. These earlier views regarding time were imposed by religious and social authorities, before the emergence of the industrial revolution. This paper analyzes the ideas of Thompson regarding how time was perceived by the traditional society, and how it changed during the industrial revolution. This is in the late 1700s. Furthermore, this paper analyzes who had the ability of telling time, and how the changes and use of time affected the rural laborers during the 1700s, and what is meant by â€Å"Saint Monday†. This paper further analyzes how the discipline of time regulation related to the wages and experiences of the workers during the 18th century. It further analyzes the context of idleness, in the view of Thompson. This paper also contains the independent ideas and insights of the essay by Thompson. Thompson denotes that during the pre-industrial societies, people had different views and believes about time4. This believes and views were imposed by social and religious authorities, and based on collective wisdom of members of a society. These societies viewed time, based on their commercial, social, and religious activities. For example, in societies that practiced hunting, agriculture, and other human interaction activities with the natural world, time discipline was governed by biological, as well as astronomical factors. People knew specific seasons, or times through observations. The Islamic lunar calendar is an example in which people identified time and seasons through religious means. This calendar was developed by the nomadic Arabs, who lived in the deserts. The lunar calendar does not reflect any seasons, because it was not convenient for these Arabs. However, with the arrival of

Open-door policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Open-door policy - Essay Example A key component of improving safety is to proactively identify hazards which when not removed, have potential to cause harm. Everybody’s input is necessary to ensuring a safe environment for all. Sometimes, undesired events which under slight different circumstance such as time, speed or distance could have resulted in significant harm. These events are known as a near miss. Safety concern is any observed event or situation that if left unchanged, could result in an incident, maybe a near miss or accident. Lost time accidents (LTA) are accidents which could otherwise be avoided but did not hence resulting to an accident that cost the company money and time.These events and concerns can appropriately be reported to the supervisor who will forward to the company safety committee through the use of safety concern cards. The Near Miss/LTA/Safety Concern program is a "no blame" method of reporting potential hazards. The primary goal is to focus on preventing and minimizing future h azards. This provides an opportunity to fix the system before it breaks, recognize symptoms of broken processes, and recommend improvements to improve safety at the workplace. An employee will fill the safety concern card, which is readily available on bulletin boards and give it to the supervisor, who will review the safety concern to determine the root cause and add corrective actions that comply with OSHA practices (Moran, 2011). He/she will then contact safety team via safety representative, who will input data into safety reporting system.... Safety Director. Safety Concern Card A key component of improving safety is to proactively identify hazards which when not removed, have potential to cause harm. Everybody’s input is necessary to ensuring a safe environment for all. Sometimes, undesired events which under slight different circumstance such as time, speed or distance could have resulted in significant harm. These events are known as a near miss. Safety concern is any observed event or situation that if left unchanged, could result in an incident, maybe a near miss or accident. Lost time accidents (LTA) are accidents which could otherwise be avoided but did not hence resulting to an accident that cost the company money and time. These events and concerns can appropriately be reported to the supervisor who will forward to the company safety committee through the use of safety concern cards. The Near Miss/LTA/Safety Concern program is a "no blame" method of reporting potential hazards. The primary goal is to focus on preventing and minimizing future hazards. This provides an opportunity to fix the system before it breaks, recognize symptoms of broken processes, and recommend improvements to improve safety at the workplace. An employee will fill the safety concern card, which is readily available on bulletin boards and give it to the supervisor, who will review the safety concern to determine the root cause and add corrective actions that comply with OSHA practices (Moran, 2011). He/she will then contact safety team via safety representative, who will input data into safety reporting system. The safety team will then provide technical assistance and also evaluate corrective actions to ensure regulatory compliance. Verbal report of injury policy From

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Human Rights and democratic society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words

Human Rights and democratic society - Essay Example The various conflicts and revolutions in the world have shaped the concept of human rights as we know it. In the last two hundred and fifty years, we see the clamor for human rights as the clamor of a world and of the various peoples inside it for equality and freedom. Starting with the French and American revolutions towards the latter part of the eighteenth century, it is this very notion of human rights that has led colonized states and revolutionary movements to assert their voices and fight for their freedoms against oppressive and despotic governments - from the Tiananmen Square uprising in China to the struggle of the East Timorese against Indonesian occupation. All human rights are universal, indivisible and interdependent and interrelated. The international community must treat human rights globally in a fair and equal manner, on the same footing, and with the same emphasis. While the significance of national and regional particularities and various historical, cultural and religious backgrounds must be borne in mind, it is the duty of States, regardless of their political, economic and cultural systems, to promote and protect all human rights and fundamental freedoms. When the United Nations was created in 1948 by a world still reeling from the ravages of the Second World War and intent on healing the wounds wrought by it, it was tasked to become the primary agency in defining and advancing human rights. From then on, various other agencies were created, addressing specific human rights concerns. Notable examples of this are the International Labor Organization and the UNICEF. However, the universality of human rights has oftentimes been challenged by critics on the allegation that the Western bias is very much evident, and that the popularity of it in recent times is nothing more than the remnants of a neocolonial attitude purveyed by the crafty and bought by the undiscerning. A refutation of this was attempted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1968 through a study that demonstrated that "the profound aspirations underlying human rights correspond to concepts - the concepts of justice, an individual's integrity and dignity, freedom from oppression and persecution, and individual participation in collective endeavors - that are encountered in all civilizations and periods." Some Islamic scholars like Safi (2000) remain unconvinced: The pragmatic arguments for the universality of human rights are problematic, because they either completely overlook the significant impact cultural differentiation has on values and perceptions, or ignore the fact that agreements through UN reflect, more often than not, political compromises by political elites, rather than normative consensus. Further, many of the ruling elites who pretend to speak on the behalf of the peoples of the developing world lack political legitimacy and public support, and have embraced ideological outlooks at odds with the surrounding cultures. In the absence of genuine democracy in the countries of the South, no one can

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Resistance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Resistance - Essay Example Here, the connection between gender and violence can be established if gender relations is understood as a discourse â€Å"signifying relationships of power† (Jacobs, Jacobson and Marchbank, 2000, p.3). In both cases of violence and gender disparity, thus an exercise of power is involved. On the contrary, resistance is â€Å"a reflection of the potential for subversion and contestation† within the premises â€Å"of established order† (Jacobs, Jacobson and Marchbank, 2000, p.3). This is to suggest that resistance is more concerned with opposing the undemocratic exercise of power, which is often part of the establishment, rather than the simple or violent exercise of power. War has been the greatest exercise of power in human history. As the ethics of war has changed from protecting civilians to deliberately targeting them, the most vulnerable groups, which have lost their â€Å"personal security† are women, children and the ethnic minorities (Jacobs, Jacobs on and Marchbank, 2000, p.5). There is a continuation of this situation in non-war conditions as well in the form of domestic violence, as far as women are concerned. On the other hand, it has also been argued, â€Å"women have been central in democratizing processes† (Jacobs, Jacobson and Marchbank, 2000, p.9).

Monday, September 23, 2019

Walmart Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Walmart - Assignment Example This is mainly due to the below stated points: Flexibility in price- in remote areas, the stores of Wal-Mart desire to offer discounted prices in various products. As a result of which, a wide range of customers of varied living standards and life styles might access its products and services to a certain extent. Due to which, the image and supremacy of Wal-Mart enhanced thereby amplifying its profitability and reliability. Wide range of products- in order to attain economies of scale, the organization of Wal-Mart desired to offer extremely trendy and fashionable products to its customers. As a result of which, the level of trust and loyalty of the customers increased that improved its supremacy and market value to a certain extent. Good relationship with the suppliers- due to good relationship with the suppliers, the organization of Wal-Mart became successful in attaining its products very quickly at any part of the world. Due to which, the level of trust and consistency of the customers over this brand enhanced significantly that improved its level of sustainability. Every day low price (EDLP) - every day low price is one of the most important strategies that helped Wal-Mart to attain its reputation and popularity in the market among other rival players. This type of pricing strategy enhanced the demand of the customers that amplified its total profitability to a significant extent (Mathews, 467-488). In order to enhance the market share and reputation in the market, Wal-Mart is trying to implement the strategy of opening ‘neighborhood stores’ as new formats. This is done in order to evaluate the transferability of competitive advantage of the organization of Wal-Mart among other rival players in this market. Data mining facility- due to the facility of information technology (IT), the processes of the organization of Wal-Mart became extremely easier and quicker. This helped to increase the demand of the customers thereby

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Piracy Ruining the Music Industry Essay Example for Free

Piracy Ruining the Music Industry Essay For many people, music is a large part of their lives. They listen to it to as often as they can. In their cars, while they work out, study, and many other daily activities. But does anyone think about how important music is to those who work in the music industry? Some people buy CD’s, others may buy digital copies online (often referred to as mp3’s). However, there are others who download free copies of music from file sharing websites, such as FrostWire and Napster. This is a crime, and many people are not aware of it. There needs to more stringent measure to protect the music industry from these acts of piracy and copyright infringements. Piracy has affected the music industry drastically over the years. It would appear all is well for those in the recording industry. However, the music industry is worth more than half of what it was in 1999 and the decline doesnt look as if it will improve. The RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) reported that in 1999, the revenue for music sales topped $14.6 billion. Over time, total revenue from U.S. music sales and licensing plunged to $6.3 billion in 2009 (Alexandra. â€Å"The History of Recording Industry Sales, 1973-2010†). File sharing is the reason for the decline in album sales over the years. Because it is so easy to get free music, people do not find a need to purchase it. In 1984, the Supreme Court, ruled in the Universal City Studios vs. Sony Corporation case, that home recording of copyrighted materials, would be legal under the fair use provision (Stevens, Law of Cornell.). The decision was made so that it would be legal for home users to make copies of copyrighted material without obtaining any permission of the copyright holder to do so. This ruling covered music, television shows, and movies. Many people argued that they wanted to be able to use the recording devices that they purchased. There needs to be new laws to reflect the change in technology since that time. In 1984 we did not have the different file sharing sites that gave people the opportunity to upload their recordings. Piracy is very popular in many countries. This is because many cultures are interested in the American lifestyle. It is very hard for other cultures to obtain American media, so they rely on file-sharing websites to stay connected. This has affected the American economy drastically. There has been a loss of around 71,060 jobs, a decrease of worker earnings of 2.7 billion dollars and a loss of U.S tax revenue of 422 million dollars. It is estimated that the cost of piracy in the global economy in 2012 was 35.4 billion dollars, and 12.5 billion dollars affecting the music industry individually. (Goldman,† Musics lost decade: Sales cut in half†) The U.S. government has attempted to prevent piracy by bringing lawsuits against companies such as, LimeWire, Mega Upload, and Pirate Bay. Sites such as these may be stopped, but within months another company begins a similar or more-improved service. â€Å"Would you go into a CD store and steal a CD?† questioned an angry Britney Spears in an industry-funded advert. â€Å"It’s the same thing, people going into the computers and loggin’ on and stealing our music.† Piracy is ruining the entertainment industry. The music industry has a diminished profitability, and significant job loss has occurred, and will only get worse, unless there are more stringent measures to regulate the internet and its’ file-sharing sites.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The No Load Circuit And Short Circuit Characteristics Biology Essay

The No Load Circuit And Short Circuit Characteristics Biology Essay The Ward-Leonard system is a conventional speed control method. It consists of a 3 phase induction machine controlling a separately excited DC generator. The DC generator in turn supplies a variable DC voltage to a DC motor. It is basically a DC variable speed drive [2]. The Ward-Leonard system is shown below in Figure 1. Figure : Ward-Leonard system setup The principle behind the Ward-Leonard system is that the DC generator can actually influence the motor to develop a torque and speed required by the load [3]. Thus the speed of the generator is directly proportional to the armature voltage applied to the DC motor [2]. The output voltage of the DC generator is controlled by adjusting the exciting voltage (field voltage), this then controls the speed of the DC motor [2]. Applications Travelling cranes Lifts Mine hoists Boring machines Table : Ward-Leonard system advantages and disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages Very wide range of speeds High cost Provides step less speed control Low over-all efficiency Experiment Apparatus 2- coupled induction machine and dc motor (as shown below in Figure 2) 4- digital multimeters (DMM) 2- Variac (Excitation field) Tachometer Figure : Coupled induction machine and dc machine Objectives of the experiment Characterise the DC machines and determine the equivalent circuits. Derive the power flow equations between the DC machines in terms of the equivalent circuits. Control the power flow between the DC machines by adjusting the field currents. Then compare the measured results with the expected theoretical power flow. Experiment procedure and setup No-load Test This test was used to determine the armature voltage. Before the experiment began the armature and field resistance were both measured. The Variac (exciter) was then connected to the field port on the DC machine. The Digital multimeter was connected to the armature port on the DC machine in order to measure the armature voltage. The DC machine was coupled to a three phase induction machine which was first turned on to run the DC machine. The setup is shown below in Figure 3. Using the knob on the Variac, increase the field voltage with an increment of 10V ( also increases) and for each case determine the armature voltage. This was done from 0V to the rated field voltage 110V. Now decrease the field voltage to demagnetise the DC machine from 110V to 0V also with an increment of 10V. Note the residual magnetism. Figure : No-Load test setup Short-Circuit Test This test was used to determine the armature current. The same procedure for the No-Load test was followed but in this case the digital multimeter was connected in series in the armature port in order to measure the current. Using the knob on the Variac, increase the field voltage with an increment of 10V and for each case determine the armature current. This was done from 0V to the rated field voltage 110V. The DC machine was demagnetised from 110V to 0V also with an increment of 10V recording the armature current. Ward Leonard experiment This setup was used to determine the power flow between the machines. The two coupled machines were connected together as shown below in Figure 4. A coupled machine is shown in Figure 1. The coupled machines were connected together through the armature. The positive terminals of the armature were connected together and the negative terminals were connected together. A digital multimeter was connected in between the positive terminals of the armature in order to measure the current. Each DC machine was connected to Variac through the field port. Both the Variac machines were turned down to 0V. The two induction machines were switched on both at the same time from the 3 power supply. The Variac knobs were both turned at the same time with an increment of 10V from 0V. This is done up until the multimeter reads 0A. The 0A was obtained at a field voltage of 110V. At this stage the second machine was left constant and the field voltage of the first machine was turned down at an increment of 10V, whilst recording the current and the speed of the machine without exceed the speed of 1502 rpm. A tachometer was used to measure the speed. After that the first machine was calibrated back to 110V, were the multimeter reads 0A. Now the first machine was left constant and the field voltage of the second machine was turned down at an increment of 10V, whilst recording the current and the speed of the machine without exceed the speed of 1502 rpm. A tachometer was used to measure the speed. After this then the practical is complete, the next step is to deduce an equation for the power as a function of excitation (field current) based on the machine characteristics. Then plot the graphs. Figure : Power flow setupC:UsersMashDesktopf.bmp Safety Do not exceed the ratings of the machines and all the other equipment. Switch off the equipment after completing the practical. Results Characterisation of DC machine Table : Armature and field resistance Resistance Before After 7.3 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ 9.8 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ 573 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ 542 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ No-load characteristics G:Machine Pracopennn.bmp Figure : No-load circuit Table : No-load test results Magnetizing Demagnetizing Field volts (V) Armature volts (V) Field volts (V) Armature volts (V) 0 0 1.6 9 10 27.8 10 35 20.8 61.1 20.5 68 30 88.9 30.1 97 40 116.8 38.2 119 50.1 141.1 50.1 148 60.6 165.1 60.1 170 70 181.9 69.5 185 80 196.2 80.4 200 90 209 90.5 211 100.2 218 100.9 220 110.3 227 110.3 227 Figure : No load test results plot The following table shows the calculated field current using the measured field resistance of 573 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦. Table : Amperes in the field coils Magnetizing Demagnetizing Field volts (V) Field Amperes (A) Field volts (V) Field Amperes (A) 0 0.0000 1.6 0.0028 10 0.0175 10 0.0175 20.8 0.0363 20.5 0.0358 30 0.0524 30.1 0.0525 40 0.0698 38.2 0.0667 50.1 0.0874 50.1 0.0874 60.6 0.1058 60.1 0.1049 70 0.1222 69.5 0.1213 80 0.1396 80.4 0.1403 90 0.1571 90.5 0.1579 100.2 0.1749 100.9 0.1761 110.3 0.1925 110.3 0.1925 Figure : DC generator no-load characteristics Comments The graph shows the relationship between the no-load armature voltage and the field current at a constant speed of 1496 rpm. The magnetization curve is a straight line up to a field current of 0.1A, after this point the graph approaches a condition known as saturation, thus any increase in the field current does not result in an increase in the armature voltage. Consequently the demagnetizing plot is above the magnetizing plot, this is due to the residual magnetism and hence the curve begins just above the 0 mark (a little way up). Closed circuit test G:Machine Pracshortt.bmp Figure : Closed circuit diagram Table : Closed circuit results Magnetizing Demagnetizing Field volts (V) Armature current (A) Field volts (V) Armature current (A) 1.7 2.54 1.6 0.21 10.8 3.63 10.7 1.1 20.5 4.52 18.8 1.81 30.8 4.72 29.5 2.64 40 5.54 39.9 3.37 50.9 6.4 50.2 3.93 60.7 5.59 60.8 4.44 70 6.01 70.7 5.05 80 6.1 80.8 5.5 90 6.52 90 5.9 100 6.92 100 6.54 111 7.4 111 7.4 Figure : Short-circuit characteristics Nameplate Information No-load circuit calculations Figure : No-load Fitted-curve This can be written as Using Figure 10 we can use the fitted plot of the no-load saturation curve above to determine the constant. The measured speed is used. From Thus we can calculate: But in practice we can approximate the value of the torque constant Short-circuit calculations Figure : Short circuit fitted plot This can be written as As calculated above Thus by substitution Thus now we can determine the armature resistance Coupled machines (Ward-Leonard system) ) 110.1 110 0.1 1492 1491 0.205224 0.15597 110.1 100 0.15 1492 1492 0.186567 0.212687 110.1 90 0.49 1490 1494 0.16791 0.625299 110 79.9 0.86 1486 1499 0.149067 0.974303 110.1 70 1.22 1490 1498 0.130597 1.210896 110 60 1.59 1480 1499 0.11194 1.352687 110.1 50 2.03 1484 1501 0.093284 1.439179 110.1 40.3 2.45 1484 1503 0.075187 1.399974 Power flow ) 110 110 0.1 1492 1492 0.205224 0.15597 100 110 -0.83 1492 1496 0.186567 -1.17687 90 110 -1.17 1480 1500 0.16791 -1.49306 80 110 -1.56 1470 1500 0.149254 -1.76955 70 110 -2.05 1474 1500 0.130597 -2.0347 60.1 110 -2.25 1483 1502 0.112127 -1.91737 Derivation of power equation Figure : Ward-Leonard system setup Figure : Ward-Leonard system equivalent circuit Now from Figure above we expect that Where (For the generator) (For the motor) (For the generator) (For the motor) Equate equation (1) and (2) Rewrite the equation Now we observe that Let This equation remains the same, it just depends which machine is a generator and which machine is a motor. As mentioned above to determine which machine acts as a generator or motor, we look at the following sign conversion. Conclusion DC machine Characterisation The DC machine characterisation of the generator was successfully done, both the no-load test and the short circuit test were done and all the parameters were calculated. The parameter calculated include the armature resistance which was found to be 6.25 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦ as compared to the measured and the rated armature resistance it is within range ( difference). The characterisation also helps us understand how the dc works; by using the saturation curves we can determine the point where the machine starts saturation and determine the critical resistance. We can also determine information about the machine which would normally be given in the nameplate. Ward-Leonard system and the power flow The power flow equation was successfully derived and found as the equation below The equation was derived from the Ward-Leonard system that was setup in the practical. The practical showed that the power can be controlled between two DC machines using this setup. In the practical the power flowed from the generator to the motor, this was seen through the current having a negative current flowing in one direction and a positive current flowing to the other direction. The practical was successful and it clearly corresponds to the theory. What I leaned The practical was useful in terms of helping us understand the concept of residual magnetism which is the same as in the theory. The practical was also a good representation in terms of how an elevator/lift works.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Study of Rail Structure: Risk Analysis and Failure Mode

Study of Rail Structure: Risk Analysis and Failure Mode Study of Rail Structure:  Risk Analysis and Failure Mode Avoidance In this case study, a brief overview of railway structure is discussed. Defects related to rail failure are considered essential to frame out the correct maintenance strategy. As it is closely associated with safety of passenger and cargo transportation, hence it retains high risk in terms of human lives and cost of resources. There will always be some risk associated with collisions and derailments but it can be reduced by eradication of the root causes. Exposure and amendment of rail defects are major issues for all rail companies around the world. There are challenges to the infrastructure maintenance individuals to perform effective inspection and cost effective rectification decisions. If addressed properly these can reduce potential risk of rail breaks and derailments. Risk assessment and Failure mode avoidance has become a vital constraint for the organisations to decide a cost effective and improved solution that could meet the financial constraints regarding inspection, renewal and replacement of rails and wheels. This study aims to reduce costs and risks related to rail operation by effective approaches. The issues and challenges related to rail maintenance are outlined. The maintenance strategy followed by most railway companies is also defined. Large Railways infrastructures are the prime manner of transportation in several countries. Improved and better safety measurements are continuously presented but still could not be considered as incidents proof. There will always be some risk related with derailments and other occurrences such as major disruption to services, which can furthered be minimised by detailed examination of the root causes. Some of the causes require improvement in skill and efficiency, for example human error, and some may be improved by optimization of inspection regularity. Therefore, a appropriate thorough study of the defects which develop both on the rolling stock and rail infrastructure is vital to frame out the correct maintenance approach. European Union spends around à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 2 billion every year for maintenance and repairing of broken rails (European Commission Cordis, 2017). It is understood that the consequential cost due to derailment decreases with rise in inspection, lubrication an d grinding charges. Risk in railways could be expressed in terms of cost, loss of human lives, infrastructure unavailability, traffic delay and environmental impact which may be caused due to derailment of a train carrying hazardous material. In this report, different kinds of rail defects and maintenance procedures followed are  described. Different risk assessment and failure mode avoidance methods and tools have been discussed briefly in this report. Some of the issues and challenges related to rail  maintenance are also addressed with an aim to reduce the total cost and risks associated with rail operations. Rails are longitudinal steel members that accommodate wheel loads and distribute these loads over the sleepers or supports, guiding the train wheels evenly and continuously. It is one of the most important components of the track structure. Usually a flat bottom rail  is used in conventional railway track, which can be separated into 3 parts: rail head, rail web  and rail foot. Many standards are used for rail profiles. (Kumar, 2007) Figure 1 shows the 2 common rail profiles. Figure 1: Flat bottom and Bullhead rail profiles The rails must possess sufficient stiffness so that they can act as beams and transfer the concentrated wheel loads to the spaced sleeper supports without excessive deflection between supports. (Ernest and John, 1994) Due to economic pressure, there is a world-wide trend to increase axle loads, traffic density  and speed to reduce the operating cost and increase the efficiency of railways. Axle loads  around the world have increased in general from 22.5 to 32.5 Tonnes in last ten years (Allen, 1999). This has led to increased rate of defect formation in rails. Some of the common defects are described in the following sections. 4.1. Shelling Shelling is a defect caused by loss of material initiated by subsurface fatigue. Shelling normally takes place at the gauge corner of high rails in curves. An elliptical shell like crack propagates in the subsurface parallel to the rail surface. When these cracks emerge on the surface, they cause the metal to come out from the crack area. It is generally eliminated by grinding. (Kumar, 2007) Figure 2: Shelling caused by Head Checks 4.2. Head Checks In the crown area, the contact stresses are generally low as it has greater profile radius in  comparison to the gauge side of rail. However, high contact stresses are produced on the high rails gauge corner, which usually has curve radius from 1000 to 1500 m. Head  checks are known to occur in tighter ((IHHA, 2001). If head checks are not controlled, they can cause a rail break. Grinding is the most common practice to remove head checks. Severe head checks need rail section replacement. 4.3. Squats Unlike shelling, squats appear in crown area of straight rail sections. They are surface  initiated defects formed by RCF. A squat is formed by two cracks, a leading crack and a  trailing crack. Both these cracks propagate in opposite direction. These defects could be prevented by grinding. (Kumar, 2007) 4.4. Spalling Spalling occurs, when the surface initiated crack development path is intersected by other similar shallow cracks on the rail head area, a shallow chip of rail material falls out. Spalling is more common in cold climates as rail stiffness increases. Figure 3: Gauge Corner Spalling in rails 4.5. Tache Ovale Tache Ovale is a subsurface defect formed around 10-15 mm below the rail head surface (see Figure 4). This is caused by hydrogen accumulation during manufacturing of rail or when poor welding is done in rails. Thermal and residual stresses also contribute to form this defect. Figure 4: Tache Ovale 4.6. Plastic Flow and Tongue Lipping Plastic flow occurs in rail head area, the depth of which may be up to 15 mm. Plastic flow  occurs on the field side of the low rail due to overloading. Tongue lipping is also a form of plastic deformation, but it is initiated by surface cracks. These cracks partially separate a layer of material from the bulk of rail. (IHHA, 2001) 4.7. Bolt Hole Crack Bolt holes appear in the rail web often starting from the fastening point of fishplates. But  these become weak points to resist crack initiation. These cracks have a very high potential to cause rail break and needs urgent replacement. 4.8. Longitudinal Vertical Crack This is a manufacturing defect, which usually appears in the rail web and may extend in rail  head also. If this crack is intersected by some other crack, it may lead to an early rail  fracture. Odds of sudden fracture due to this become predominant in cold climate. Figure 5: Longitudinal vertical crack 4.9. Transverse Crack Transverse crack is mostly developed in the cross-sectional area of defective weld joints. A  welding defect may be due to variation in weld material or rail manufacturing defect. Figure 6 shows a Transverse crack develops from the centre of the rail head or the rail foot. Use of clean steel and deeper hardening of rail head may avoid its formation. (Kumar, 2007) Figure 6: Transverse crack 4.10. Buckling Lateral buckling in rails is a very common defect in which the rail bulges out on its either side  due to expansion. As the temperature rises, longitudinal expansion in rail takes place. 4.11. Corrugation Corrugation is a rail flaw consisting of the wave-like wearing of the rail tread visualized as  peaks and valleys, in other words, it is a periodic irregularity of the rail surface (IHHA, 2001),  see Figure 7. Figure 7: Corrugation in rails Rail corrugations are the result of a damage mechanism, such as wear etc. Rail corrugations do not pose risk of immediate derailment, but they may be responsible for loosening of rail fastenings, ballast deterioration, increase in noise and vibration level leading to passenger discomfort, etc. Two main types of corrugations which generally occur in rails are: Short pitch corrugations Long pitch corrugation Tables below show the percentage and type of defect detection by different rail infrastructure  companies. Railway First Second Third Fourth Rail track (1999/2000) Squats 21.7% Vertical/transverse 20.1% Horizontal/longitudinal 12.5% Bolt holes 9.6% SNCF (1999) Squats 23.4% Internal fatigue 11.5% Shells 8.4% Thermite welds 4.7% HSPC (1999) Thermite welds 31.5% Wheel burns 17.2% Horizontal split webs 13.3% Bolt holes 11.3% NS (1997) Insulated Joints 59.4% Transverse defects 18% Thermite welds 15% Fatigue Failure 5.2% DB (1996) Thermite welds 29% Sudden fracture 18% Fatigue Failure 16% Electric bonds 4.0 % Banverket (1998) Transverse fracture 55.1% Welded joint 32.7% Horizontal defect 6.1% Vertical split 2.0% HH1 (1999) Vertical split heads 34.7% Thermite welds 20.3% Detail fractures 13.1% Bolt holes 12.2% HH2 (1999) Transverse defects 23.6% Thermite welds 15.5% Wheel burns 13.2% Shells 9.6% Table 1: Causes of defective rails (Source: Kumar, 2007) Rail breaks and derailments can cost the rail players in terms of loss of revenue, property, environmental damage or even loss of life. Estimation of these costs and analysis of risks are important in deciding effective maintenance strategies. In simple terms, risk can be defined as the chance or probability of loss, damage or injury. (Reddy, 2004) 5.1. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) FMEA is a step-by-step procedure for systematic evaluation of the severity of potential failure modes in a system. This process was originally developed in the 1960s, to analyse the safety of aircrafts, but has been since applied to several other fields, including nuclear power plants and the military. (Villemeur, 1992-A) Figure 8: Schematic representation of the FMEA. (Source: Villemeur, 1992-A). 5.2. Risk Priority Number (RPN) Risk priority number (RPN) is a methodology for analysing the risk associated with potential  problems identified during (FMEA) (for details refer Reliasoft, 2005). Assigning RPN requires the analysis team to rate each potential problem per three rating scales: Severity Occurrence Detection After the ratings, have been assigned the RPN for each issue is calculated as mentioned below, RPN = Severity x Occurrence x Detection Rail maintenance issues can be broadly classified into: Inspection issues Issues related to rail wear, RCF and rail welding Rectification and replacement issues 6.1. Rail Inspection Issues The effectiveness of rail inspection depends on the efficiency and accuracy of the inspecting  equipment. It also depends on the skill and experience of inspectors. Error in inspection is an important issue and its reduction is a big challenge. This mainly depends on the technological limitations of the inspection equipment and the skill level of the rail inspectors. Figure 9: Rail inspection issues (Source: Kumar, 2007) 6.2. Issues related to Rail Wear, RCF and Rail Welding Figure 11 outlines the rail maintenance issues. The following sections briefly describe some  of these issues. Figure 10: Rail maintenance issues (Source: Kumar, 2007) 6.2.1. Rail Wear Issues Wear occurs due to interaction of rail and wheel. It includes mild and severe wear. Mild wear takes place slowly but severe wear is often much faster. Severe wear is predominant in curves and occurs dry conditions. Lubrication techniques are used to prevent such wears. Four commonly used techniques which are followed for rail-wheel lubrication are: Top of rail lubricators Wheel flange lubricators Wayside lubricators On board lubricators 6.2.2. Rolling Contact Fatigue (RCF) Issues In the late 1990s RCF accounted for about 60% of defects found by East Japan Railways, while in France (SNCF) and UK (Railtrack) the figures were about 25% and 15%,  respectively. RCF is a major future concern as business demands for higher speed; higher axle loads, higher traffic density and higher tractive forces increase (see Cannon et al, 2003). Rail grinding removes surface metal from the rail head. It is done mainly with intensions to control RCF defects and rail wear. Rail grinding became increasingly recognized for controlling RCF defects from 1980 onwards, prior to that it was mainly focused on corrugation removal. 6.2.3. Rail Welding Issues Small imperfection in welds can cause cracks to initiate. A defect free weld requires skilled  workforce, better weld material along with improved welding techniques and equipment. 6.3. Other Issues affecting Rail Wear, RCF and Rail Welding Risk and cost are analysed by rail infrastructure operators in maintenance decisions. It covers rail lubrication, rail grinding and rail weld. Other important issues are: Rail material Rail traffic density and axle load Track geometry In Conclusion, first a brief overview of rail structure is discussed. Then, diverse range of rail defects and degradation processes have been studied. From the literature analyses done, it is interpreted that there is a need for better ways to monitor and predict rail defects over a period based on operational conditions and maintenance tactics. A good knowledge of risk along with an idea of the methods used for risk analysis is also required. Hence, before improvement of any model or any empirical relationship associated with risk and failure, there should first be a familiarity with risk management tools and failure mode avoidance. This study focuses on some such tools. Also, the issues and challenges related to rail maintenance are discoursed. The aim is to reduce risks related to rail operation that leads to failure mode, by effective decisions associated to rail inspection, grinding, rectifications lubrications, and rail replacements. Some of the challenges in this area include development of cost effective maintenance decisions, reliability and availability of logistics support, which include availability of capable equipment, skilled personnel and availability of rail track. 8.1. References Allen, R., (1999) Finding best practice at the wheel/rail interface, International Railway  Journal, Volume 6, pp. 48-50. European Commission Cordis (2017) AutoScan Rail inspection. Available from: sighted: [February 2017] Cannon, D. F., Edel, K.O., Grassie, S. L. and Sawley, K. (2003) Rail defects: an overview,  Fatigue Fracture of Engineering Materials Structures, Volume 26, October 2003, pp.  865-886. Ernest, T. S. and John, M. W. (1994) Track Geometry and Substructure Management,  Thomas Telfold. IHHA (2001) Guidelines to best practices for heavy haul railway operations: wheel and rail  interface issues, International Heavy Haul Association, May 2001, Virginia, USA. KUMAR, S. (2007). Study of Rail Breaks: Associated Risks and Maintenance Strategies. Lulea Railway Research Center (JVTC)  MIL-STD-1629A, (1980) Military Standard Procedures for Performing a Failure Mode,  Effects and Criticality Analysis, Department of Defence, USA. Available from: sighted: [February 2017] Reddy, V. (2004) Modelling and Analysis of Rail Grinding Lubrication Strategies for  Controlling Rolling Contact Fatigue (RCF) and Rail Wear, Master Thesis, Queensland  University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. Reliasoft (2005) Examining risk priority numbers in FEMA, Reliability Edge, volume 4,  issue1. Available from: sighted: [February 2017] VILLEMEUR, Alain (1992-A, 1992-B). Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety Assessment, A: Vol. 1: Methods and Technique. B Vol.2: Assessment, Hardware, Software and Human Factors: John Wiley Sons. 8.2. Figures: Figure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4:[emailprotected]/Figure-1-Tache-ovale-or-kidney-rail-failure.png Figure 5: Figure 6: Figure 7: Figure 8: VILLEMEUR, Alain (1992-A, 1992-B). Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety Assessment, A: Vol. 1: Methods and Technique. B Vol.2: Assessment, Hardware, Software and Human Factors: John Wiley Sons. Figure 9 and 10: KUMAR, S. (2007). Study of Rail Breaks: Associated Risks and Maintenance Strategies. Lulea Railway Research Center (JVTC)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Free Essays - The Four Castes of Orthodox Hinduism in Siddhartha :: Hesse Siddhartha Essays

The Four Castes of Orthodox Hinduism in Siddhartha The four castes of Orthodox Hinduism are Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha. These four castes are the four stages of a man's life and four legitimate ends that a man may pursue. Author Hermann Hesse applied each of these four stages to the different phases of Siddhartha's path leading to peace. The novel Siddhartha relates the story of a young man traveling the path leading to peace. This young man is Siddhartha. Throughout the novel, Siddhartha changes his religion and "thoughts" about the ways of the world several times. Other characters, who influence Siddhartha, are his father, the prostitute Kamala, the rich merchant Kamaswami, best friend Govinda, and the river merchant Vasudeva. The first caste, Dharma, is adherence to the holy law, careful performance of rituals, and avoidance of taboos. Siddhartha experienced Dharma while living with his father, "he performed his holy ablutions, his holy offerings" (Hesse 3). Siddhartha regularly performed the religious rituals. While he seemed content, he was not. He soon left his father to pursue peace. The second caste, Artha, is the acquisition and preserving of wealth. Siddhartha experienced Artha by the means of the rich merchant Kamaswami. Kamaswami asked Siddhartha questions and he learned how clever he was. Therefore, Kamaswami hired Siddhartha to work for him; "the merchant entrusted him with writing important letters and contracts and got into the habit of conferring with him on all important matters" (Hesse 60). Siddhartha soon acquired great wealth. The third caste, Kama, refers to the enjoyment of the world. Siddhartha did this with the help of the prostitute Kamala, "the man who learned love from her was an expert in many pleasures" (Hesse 65). By Kamala, Siddhartha had learned how to enjoy worldly pleasures. He soon became and expert. The fourth caste is Moksha, which is the final release from the long series of incarnations.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Minimum Wage Legislation Essay -- Minimum Wage Essays

Minimum Wage Legislation I am going to pose the question to you the students of Sir Sandford Fleming College, do you really want the minimum wage legislation left in affect? As college students you are not benefiting or gaining anything from minimum wage legislation. The minimum wage legislation requires all employees to be paid at least some fixed given dollar amount per hour. This sounds good, but it isn't all that it seems! Minimum wage is an example of government intervention. The government has put a minimum on the dollar amount that employers can pay their employees. Unfortunately when we implement solutions like the minimum wage, it is too late to actually fix the problem, so in most cases it has effects that we cannot foresee as it is a reaction instead of a prevention method. Minimum wage actually helps very few people. The only ones that benefit from minimum wage are those unskilled workers who are currently employed. Minimum wage restricts employment opportunities for the young, unexperienced, and those people with educational disadvantages. They will continue to find themselves handicapped in the job market as long as the minimum wage legislation remains in affect. In society today the demand for "unskilled" workers is low and the supply is high, therefore there is a surplus of unskilled workers in the job market. The effect of a surplus drives down an individuals reservation wage, as they are willing to do and take anything for work. Minimum wage only makes this fact more severe, as it increases the supply of workers. Minimum wage increases the cost of doing business, and unfortunately in today's economic conditions employers are not able to pass on the extra costs to the consumer. Minimum wage is not helping workers, it is hurting businesses, and to maintain any profit, and follow legislation companies have to cut labour costs somehow. Companies are being forced to take other alternatives because of higher labour costs for unskilled workers. Businesses are forced to: 1. Cut back current employees hours 2. Not hire any more employees &n... ... should be rated and fluctuated by these categories. Unfortunately minimum wage disregards all of this. Regardless of your education, skills, effort, you can still receive minimum wage. Minimum wage is a fixed dollar amount that is paid for many jobs that can not even be compared. Most of these jobs should have different pay rates, especially when the degree of skill is higher, but they don't. The government keeps increasing minimum wage, and making it tougher on businesses and at the same time discouraging unskilled workers from bettering themselves, and for what. The economy is not booming, and even with increasing minimum wage rates the economy is not seeing any extra money being put back into circulation. As well, the higher minimum wage rate keeps raising the level of unemployment. I feel that if we put the burden on the people of Ontario to be and do the best they can that we would not need minimum wage. The skills that we could produce would be widely demanded, so it would be to the benefit of many other unskilled minimum wage earners to support the abolishment of minimum wage legislation. You could receive better wages, and at the same time decrease the unemployment rate.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Baz Lurhman Essay

In 1594 William Shakespeare wrote the play Romeo and Juliet, probably one of his most famous plays. This play was directed at an Elizabethan audience. Since then it has been shown at most theatres and cinemas for the middle-aged, educated people, a good example of this was Franco Zefferellis film in 1968. This version was a tradition Shakespeare format, it was filmed in an Italian city, Verona, in the 16th century with all the traditional clothing and language. However, Baz Luhrmann’s 1996 movie ‘William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet’ is a very accessible version of the play. His adaptation of Shakespeare’s classic story has been mixed with a modern day society with guns and drugs but still using the Elizabethan English. He updated almost everything in his film to attract the younger audience. He was trying to achieve a box-office success and in my opinion, and many others he did succeed in his attempt in many ways. In the opening sequence the audience would immediately know that the film was directed at the younger audience and had been updated to the 21st century, as it starts off with a blank television, this immediately shows the audience it is an updated version as the television is a 20th century invention. The camera zooms towards the TV and as it does a female news reader gives a vivid account of what is happening and what to expect in the plot, yet to unfold. She is a middle aged woman of Caribbean culture and has the ability to present her narrative in a clear diction. This also shows the audience the film has been updated because up until 25 years ago the black race were a 2nd class race across countries and in Shakespeare’s time the black race would not have been in one of his plays. The soundtrack starts to play, and as it does it tells the audience that the film is action packed. It starts to play after the prologue has finished being read by the news reader and whilst it is playing the camera zooms into the TV it becomes distorted. There are then quick flashes of the scenes to come in the film, flashes of police helicopters, police, high rised buildings for the modern audience, they would immediately be familiar with the city and shows an older audience it not their type of film. The music becomes louder to give the film a dramatic effect, this makes the film intense. The audience is then shown skyscrapers that are topped by the trade names, Capulet and Montague, this reinforces the conflict between the two families. The audiences now know that this not fair Verona in Italy but fictionalised Verona Beach in America. The camera then pans out on the city. Pete Postlewaite, an English Shakespearian actor starts to read the prologue this shows that Baz Lurhanne chose his cast very carefully, he chose Pete Postlewaite to give the film more of a ‘Shakespeare’ effect, as he does there’s flashes of newspaper articles, intersperse of pictures and newspaper headlines of families’ arguments. He then introduces the families as they would in an American ‘cop’ series, it shows a family member with their names below their picture, this shows the audience that the families aren’t noblemen from the 16th century but 21st century business/gangster/mafia men. Some characters had been updated as well as their names, for example, the Prince is now Captain Prince of Verona Beach police department. The cast were chosen to attract younger audiences; Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes play the â€Å"star-crossed lovers† Romeo and Juliet, the rest of the players consist of an all star cast. Then the audience are introduced to the Montague boys as they are driving in a top muscle American car down a typical American highway. They have modern haircuts and tattoos; this also shows the audiences this is a more modernised film. The audience then see them go into a gas station; the audience is then introduced to the Capulets as they pull into the gas station also, the whole scene is turned into a spaghetti western spoof; this gives the film a comedy effect. As the Capulets get out from their car there are close ups of the Cuban heeled boots and when the fight starts between the Montague’s and Capulets this is when the western effect starts. The close ups of one of the Capulets golden teeth, this is also typical Clint Eastwood effect. The slow motion dives and even the swinging sign at the gas station is also the spaghetti western effect. However the film has more updates through out the play such as the party that the Capulets have, the drug taking, car chases, alcohol and the famous balcony scene of Romeo and Juliet is moved to a swimming pool. These are all modernised updates and would not have been in a Shakespeare play. In my opinion Baz Luhrmann shows a good adaptation of William Shakespeare’s well-known love story. He successfully keeps the impact and the meaning of the plot while still portraying the traditional and original style. Despite Romeo and Juliet being a traditional play, Luhrmann makes his version stylised to attract younger audiences, making Shakespeare appeal to a wider range of people. It is clear that Baz Luhrmann’s intentions were to make the film as if Shakespeare was directing and focusing it on people in the 20th century. By using modern music and sound effects as well as incorporating young modern actors, Baz Luhrmann portrays this in the film very well. Luhrmann set out to achieve a successful block-buster and I personally think he did achieve this and in many other peoples opinion also. However many people may diagree because it is not traditonal enough for a Shakespeare play.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Cellular Adaptation

In cell biology and Pathophysiology, cellular adaptation refers to changes made by a cell in response to adverse environmental changes. [1] The adaptation may be physiologic(al) (normal) or pathologic(al) (abnormal). Five major types of adaptation include atrophy, hypertrophy, hyperplasia, dysplasia, and metaplasia. Atrophy is a decrease in cell size. If enough cells in an organ atrophy the entire organ will decrease in size. Thymus atrophy during early human development (childhood) is an example of physiologic atrophy. Skeletal muscle atrophy is a common pathologic adaptation to skeletal muscle disuse (commonly called â€Å"disuse atrophy). Tissue and organs especially susceptible to atrophy include skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, secondary sex organs, and the brain. Hypertrophy is an increase in cell size. If enough cells of an organ hypertrophy so will the whole organ. The heart and kidneys have increased susceptibility to hypertrophy. Hypertrophy involves an increase in intracellular protein rather than cytosol (intracellular fluid). Hypertrophy may be caused by mechanical signals (e. g. , stretch) or trophic signals (e. g. , growth factors). An example of physiologic hypertrophy is in skeletal muscle with sustained weight bearing exercise. An example of pathologic hypertrophy is in cardiac muscle as a result of hypertension. Hyperplasia is an increase in the number of cells. It is the result of increased cell mitosis, or division. The two types of physiologic hyperplasia are compensatory and hormonal. Compensatory hyperplasia permits tissue and organ regeneration. It is common in epithelial cells of the epidermis and intestine, liver hepatocytes, bone marrow cells, and fibroblasts. It occurs to a lesser extent in bone, cartilage, and smooth muscle cells. Hormonal hyperplasia occurs mainly in organs that depend on estrogen. For example, the estrogen-dependent uterine cells undergo hyperplasia and hypertrophy following pregnancy. Pathologic hyperplasia is an abnormal increase in cell division. A common pathologic hyperplasia in women occurs in the endometrium and is called endometriosis. Dysplasia refers generally to abnormal changes in cellular shape, size, and/or organization. Dysplasia is not considered a true adaptation; rather, it is thought to be related to hyperplasia and is sometimes called â€Å"atypical hyperplasia. † Tissues prone to dysplasia include cervical and respiratory epithelia. Dysplasia often occurs in the vicinity of cancerous cells, and it may be involved in the development of breast cancer. Metaplasia occurs when a differentiated cell of a certain type is replaced by another cell type, which may be less differentiated. It is a reversible process thought to be caused by stem cell reprogramming. Stem cells are found in epithelia and embryonic mesenchyme of connective tissue. A prominent example of metaplasia involves the changes associated with the respiratory tract in response to inhalation of irritants, such as smog or smoke. The bronchial cells convert from mucus-secreting, ciliated, columnar epithelium to non-ciliated, squamous epithelium incapable of secreting mucus. These transformed cells may become dysplasic or cancerous if the stimulus (e. g. , cigarette smoking) is not removed.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Quality of Life for the Patient and Family Essay

Quality of life has a different meaning for everyone. Many personal thoughts and feelings can come into play when caring for others during the end stages of life. However as a nurse and caregiver, these opinions must be put aside at this significant time. For some health care providers, we may feel that keeping the patient comfortable and having them surrounded by family is most important. However, for the patient, personal culture, lifestyle and value for one self as well as a sense of independence in handling this time alone is most imperative. Therefor a nurse must consider the individual’s past experiences, present lifestyle and personal hopes in which they choose to live in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns at this stage. One must meet not only the physical needs of the patient but the psychosocial demands in this sensitive time of need. Seeking aggressive medical treatment vs. palliative care is something that is very personal and differs from individual to individual. Nurses’ opinions and suggestions of the â€Å"best care† should not be voiced to the patient or family, even if asked directly. For Mrs. Thomas, time also plays an important role. She is young and may have many other worries than those of an older age experience in preparing for end of life. A nurse must consider what areas of life are important to her and what is the relative importance of each of these areas. Personal perception that counting on family support is huge, but may not be possible in Mrs. Thomas’ situation as her children live out of town. STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE The nurse should look at several strategies that directly impact the patient as well as the family. Quality of life not only looks at the health status  the patient but those directly involved in the care of the patient. This encompasses a broader set of planning including finances, housing, and employment. This will have a direct impact on the entire family. Three important strategies that are helpful to relieve overall stress and promote optimal coping skills include: 1) patient awareness of disease process, 2) available support from healthcare providers and 3) addressing physical as well as the psychosocial needs of the patient. Healthcare professionals must be prepared and speak directly with the patient and family when it is determined best to the physician’s ability, that the identified disease of breast cancer will cause death. Advance planning and preparation may be helpful in dying well if Mrs. Thomas is more aware about her status of disease. Physicians and nurses must change the plan of aggressive medical treatments of curing the disease of breast cancer and concentrate providing support and a comfortable well being of the deteriorating disease process. This in turn should provide a plan of care for relief of pain, contentment to the patient and focus on the overall whole being of quality of life. The homecare team can include doctors, nurses, home health aides, social workers, and clergy as well as trained volunteers. Most team members provide on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to deliver support. The patient and family should feel the comfort in calling these resources at anytime. The nurse must remind Mrs. Thomas and her husband that they are not â€Å"bothering† any team member by asking for assistance. The team must always work together and communicate the patient’s goals for end-of-life care. It is important for all to realize this is very individualized for each patient and family member. Each individual strategy should include caring for the whole person physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually. It important for the team to develop strengths based perspectives of psychosocial interventions and listen to what the patient and family have to say to enable them to cope better. In doing so, the team must also communicate on each encounter with Mrs. Thomas and family as well as each other to assure that her and the husband’s needs are being met. HOLISTIC CARE A holistic nursing care plan in valuable in delivering care to the entire person in supporting the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social and  environmental needs. With this approach, nursing care needs to move away from viewing Mrs. Thomas as merely a ‘diagnosis’ and treating her as a whole person. Nursing goals should be to develop immediate trust with the patient and family, provide comfort, supportive care, and symptom management. This can be achieved by effective communication and providing a calm, relaxed setting for Mrs. Thomas. Allowing her to speak openly and honestly about her feelings and emotions of grief, physical complaints such as pain, nausea, and difficulty sleeping is a good way to start to develop a trusting nurse/patient relationship. As a nurse, one must be supportive and be willing to listen openly. Once Mrs. Thomas begins to express these types of things, the nurse must review and evaluate every visit to improve specific concerns with her. More importantly, healthcare providers must display an openness to hear new concerns and prioritize the needs of the patient and family. FUNCTIONAL ABILITY Assessments to maintain the self functional ability for Mrs. Thomas should include creating a plan to achieve realistic goals and allow self care as long as possible. This in turn can give control back to Mrs. Thomas, help raise confidence and value her quality of life. Mrs. Thomas’ physical, social and environmental conditions should also be considered to help her care for herself. Discussing the 24/7 availability of visits from registered nurses and social workers, involving family and friends or volunteers that can help with running errands and meal preparation for adequate dietary intake, and discussing appropriate medical equipment to assist with ADLs such as performing personal hygiene can prove to be helpful. PROVIDING ADDITIONAL CARE When self-care is no longer possible, the importance of more frequent nurse and/or social worker visits, and interaction of clergy is valuable. In addition, further involvement of additional family, friends, home health aides or volunteers to assist not only with running errands, meal preparation and assistance with ADLs but being present in the home for longer periods to care directly for Mrs. Thomas becomes more imperative. The nurse can assist in making sure appropriate DME equipment is in the home. In  addition, this turns out to be a time when additional emotional support is of great concern for Mr. Thomas. CHRONIC DEPRESSION Mr. Thomas already suffers from chronic depression and now has to endure immense and continuous stress to care for his wife with advanced breast cancer. Over time this takes a toll his health, ability to work, finances, and their own personal and family needs. Involvement of not only the nurse, but also social worker and bereavement counselor can help Mr. Thomas tremendously. Encouraging him to take his medications will help both him and his wife. Also, reassurance that it is okay to want quiet time and allowing others to help to care for his wife should be verbalized to him in a caring manner. Taking some of the financial worries away from Mr. Thomas may help as well. The social worker can discuss resources that are of no cost from community volunteer organizations and review the reimbursement of covered services from the insurance organization at the beginning and in ongoing care of his wife. Sharing the right information with the patient’s family is very important and can assist in better coping. Again, the home care team must offer an environment that provides the openness to hear all concerns and overall needs of not only the patient but also her family.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Meaning of Life and Greatness Essay

â€Å"We are very near to greatness: one step and we are safe ; can we not make that leap? † – Ralph Waldo Emerson Emerson speaks of a greatness that I believe is inherent in every human being. It may sometimes feel like it is jus beyond the reach of your fingers; just outside the bounds of your imagination. You may feel like you are on the verge of some monumental breakthrough, but for some reason that change doesn’t occur. Greatness is not something that you try to attain through some specific avenue, or any specialized field of work, but rather a quality within yourself that you need only become aware of. It cannot be measured by possessions, financial status, or even certain achievements that society deems to be great. I can only attempt to convey the meaning of greatness by describing the effects of its presence in your life. Each day is met with a sense of purpose, as is each action within that day. Joy and hapiness are your predominant emotions, and are produced from a sense of peace within. You have the ability to manifest your desires, and the direction of your life is dictated by your imagination, rather than what appears to be going on around you. Thinking abundantly, you are more focused on giving rather than receiving, for you know that it is in giving you receive. You see greatness in everyone, because to see it within yourself, you must recognize it in others. We live in a world where people expect things outside of themselves to bring them fulfillment. This can only lead to a feeling of emptiness, and constant striving. You must affirm your greatness to yourself. This is not an affirmation from the standpoint that you are superior to others, but from the recogntion of a power that runs through all existence. See yourself as great , and great things will begin to appear in your life.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Book Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4

Book Review - Essay Example This paper describes the book, that focuses on how the parents should handle things that are needed for them to attend the needs of these children. The book also stresses that the parents above anyone else should be the first one to attend the needs of their children. They should also be the first one to know what is happening to their children. In this way, it would be assured that the children would be taken cared of and the children would have a bright future despite having problems concerning their healt. The book also teaches how to deal with this kind of scenario based on the findings of diagnosis. This thing would help them in terms of determining the rightful move in terms of accepting this kind of fate. It also teaches the parents to â€Å"grow with their children† in which by doing so they would develop a parent-child relationship like normal children in which the parents would know the needs of their children and the children with disorders would feel a sense of sec urity in everything they do because they can be assured of themselves. This book focuses more on how to deal with the disorder and a little touch with the definition of disorder. The remaining points of the book comprising developmental disability and what the future holds also points out important details regarding how mental disability has developed and how to treat this negative disorder in a positive way. In such cases, this thing would also help the people in terms of analyzing the extremes of the disorder.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Female Bloggers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Female Bloggers - Assignment Example She has been on the blog since August 2004 and has had over 50, 000 profile views but the blog entries stop in September 2010. The blogger writes about her personal experiences and expresses her thoughts, views, and concerns about her family, friends and constantly gives an update about the situation in Iraq. This is a traditional blog as opposed to a news blog. Her journey begins as a new wife of an Iraqi man and she takes us through the changes she experiences over the course of six years. She also writes about her experiences of being a mother and gives detailed accounts of her visits to her motherland i.e. Iraq. In her last entry, she has thanked all her fans and discloses her permanent shift to the United States. She says that the new beginning of her life in the United States would not allow her to communicate via the blog and thus breaks the news of stopping any further blog entries (Neurotic Iraqi wife). She has a good writing style and articulates her thoughts well. It is very informal and there is no use of technical jargon which makes it easy to read. Her ideas are consistent, while her writing is coherent and fluent. Often when telling a story, she makes use of â€Å"anadiplosis†. This is when the same word or words are used at the end of a sentence and the beginning of a new one. She makes good use of this technique when she wants to grab the attention of the reader and overemphasize something. This example can be found in the following sentence where she writes â€Å"Today after all these years I stopped asking. I stopped asking †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..† (Neurotic Iraqi wife). The blog has a background image of a woman standing in a mosque. The subtle brown color of the blog coupled with the light gold imprints of the writings gives it a very surreal touch. It is aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

A report about being consultant for B&Q (Marketing) Essay

A report about being consultant for B&Q (Marketing) - Essay Example The challenges of bringing certified timber to the market are dual. Firstly, companies along the supply chain need to get certified. Secondly, forest certification systems must work to expand the total area of certified forests.1 The various threats to woods and forests range from inappropriate activities such as extreme public recreation to more menacing threats from pollution, drainage, acid rain, climate change, disease, invasive plants and the activities of certain animals. A significant proportion of income from woods is from timber sales. Timber is a global commodity and prices for most products are established on world markets; world timber prices however are currently at an all-time downturn. Woods present great benefits to society, and when economists evaluate some of the non-market benefits (such as landscape value etc), it becomes clear that the wider public gets more advantage from woodland management than does the owner who offers those benefits. Following is a list of a few organizations operating worldwide in the forestry sector in order to provide the general public and all other interested parties with key information on timber and other forest related issues. 1. The International Wood Collectors Society is a non-profit Society committed to delivering information on collecting wood, correctly identifying and naming wood specimens, and using wood in creative crafts. 2 2. ProFor is a multi-donor partnership formed to practice a shared goal of enhancing forests contribution to poverty reduction, sustainable development and protection of environmental services. ProFor supports analytic work, and knowledge management and dissemination of forest issues related to livelihoods, governance, finance and cross-sectoral cooperation.3 3. L Association Technique International des Bois Tropicaux (ATIBT)Â  is an NGO which brings together tropical wood producers and

Sustainability Led-Marketing - Small business Term Paper

Sustainability Led-Marketing - Small business - Term Paper Example Sustainable marketing aims at winning consumers who have adapted to eco-friendly products made by businesses, which have embraced sustainable production. For a sustainable business, companies seek to enhance their production processes to minimise the side effects it causes to the environment. A sustainable business ensures that it reduces air pollution, water pollution and the side effect the product has on the consumer using the product or the service (Meffert et al. 2014, p. 156). Sustainable business is more of a business that looks toward enhancing or achieving corporate social responsibility to the community it serves. The illustration above implies that sustainable business aims at creating an environment where people believe that the product being manufactured by the company is the best in the market. In addition, it implies that the qualities a company’s product cannot be compared with any other firm in the same industry. Consumers are made to believe the product they are consuming was manufactured in a clean environment that not any other company can achieve (Belz & Peattie, 2010, p. 31). To bring to light a better understanding of sustainable marketing, Philips Lumileds Lighting Company will be used as a case study, as it enjoys the use of sustainable led marketing procedures. Philips Lumileds Lighting Company is an American light product manufacturing company that is located in San Jose, California, USA. The Company was established in 1999 with the aim of producing solid-state lighting solutions that include automotive lighting, LCD televisions, computer displays, creating a signal, and general lighting. It is the world-leading producer of high power light emitting diodes. In partnership with LUX EONPower Light Company, they came up with long life cost-effective light emitting diodes that have been ranked as the world-leading producer of light emitting diode lighting. In lieu of this information, it is

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Henry the VIII and the English Reformation Research Paper

Henry the VIII and the English Reformation - Research Paper Example Henry thus needed a male heir who could succeed him and help protect the English legacy from the potential enemies within Europe. The frustrations of Henry in his search for a male heir is a story worth telling due to a dramatic twist of events that finally led to major reformation in England and beyond. Henry was a man full of drama and he always ensured that he gets what he wanted and this is the reason why he broke from the Catholic Church to form the protestant church. The decisions Henry took in his quest for what he wants to have a lot of impact on the implications for English policy and the monarchy. About Henrys Life According to Knowles and Hadcock (1972), he was a young boy who would later become the king after the death of his father was born in 1491 as the second son and he became an heir to the throne in 1502. He was described as an intelligent boy and an athlete with a good understanding of French, Latin, Spanish and was a very religious man due to his upbringing as a s trong Catholic. He was a go getter who was extremely fond of hunting and never takes a diversion without tiring eight to ten horses. His scholarly interests included writing books and music and thus was accomplished a player of many instruments and a composer of various songs. About that time (1500AD) Enduring social order of the early modern church depended entirely on the production of male heirs in most of the cultural settings since most people do not believe in the leadership of a woman. In most cultural settings, women are forbidden from taking the crown and its thus required that the hair to the throne be a man. For some communities, lacking a surviving male heir is like inviting a curse, uncertainty, political disorder, and ultimately war that may lead to tremendous loss of lives. England learned the cost of women's leadership when an infant took the leadership in the year 1442 that eventually led to wars and the rise of the Tudor dynasty that destabilized their power system (MacCulloch, 2003). Most English people also feared giving power to women since they can be married to foregin land thus diluting the culture, heritage and the influence of their country. Divorce in the ancient Catholic Church was highly disregarded and it was unimaginable for ordinary people. Divorce could only be considered for the rich, powerful and the royal but only when sanctioned by the catholic pope himself and thus it was equally hard for everybody. Those who tried divorce without papal approval were highly trading on the dangerous path by inviting severe punishment and excommunication by the church (Knowles, 1979). The Catholic Church and its leadership faced a test of their time when the king himself needed a divorce, considering the power and authority he has over the land. The refusal to grant Henry permission to divorce his first wife who could not sire a man to be the heir of the throne made Henry break ranks with the Catholic Church (Knowles, 1979; Rex, 2006; Skidmo re, 2007). This marked the beginning of protestant churches and the split of the Catholic Church that used to be the sole church for the people of England. The rebellion of the pope was considered illegal and liturgical and thus was considered by most of the churchgoers as an invitation for a curse in England. The Catholic Chu

Monday, September 9, 2019

Renoirs adaptation of maupassants A counrty excursion Essay

Renoirs adaptation of maupassants A counrty excursion - Essay Example In the context of French cinema, works of such iconic writers as Victor Hugo, Emile Zola and Alexander Dumas were heavily drawn upon. Guy de Maupassant’s short story A Country Excursion is one among many instances of early cinema embracing literature. But there are numerous challenges in adapting a work of art to a radically different medium. Theatre and cinema can be said to share some affinity in terms of principles of mise-en-scene, accepted rules of screen-play, shared exploration of genres, etc. But literature to film is a big leap and film theorist Dudley Andrew identifies three basic types of adaptation – borrowing, intersecting and transforming sources. In the case of A Day in the Country to varying degrees all the three types are at play. Borrowing: The film is said to be borrowed from the short story to the extent that there is divergence in their details pertaining to characterization, geographic description, projection of individual motive, etc. In borrowing , â€Å"the artist employs, more or less extensively, the material, idea, or form of an earlier, generally successful text...the adaptation hopes to win an audience by the prestige of its borrowed title or the same time it seeks to gain a certain respectability, if not aesthetic value, as a dividend in the transaction†. (Andrew, p.422) Renoir’s work satisfies some of these criteria better than others. Certainly the literary work is the very basis for the project of the film. Moreover, Maupassant was a household name in early twentieth century France, and thus brings a degree of prestige to the project at hand. But the particular short story, A Country Excursion, does not have the same name recollection as its author does. Renoir’s enterprise does succeed in fulfill the twin key criteria of bringing respectability and aesthetic value to the transaction. The cinema produced is no injustice to the artistic standards of its source. The additional provis ions afforded by the new medium add more vibrancy and color to the source text. So the idea of the film can certainly be said to have been borrowed, though with certain qualifications. Intersection: This form of adaptation is found to be the weakest in A Day in the Country. Intersection is the most infidel methods of transmuting words to film due to its limited objective. The goal of the filmmaker is less constrained, for he/she is not concerned with the entire written work but only one idea/feature within it. The task then is to experiment and find out what ‘cinema’ as a medium can ‘do’ to the original. At its heart is creative curiosity and experimentation on the part of the director. Renowned French film critic Andre Bazin has expressed intersection through the metaphor of light. Andrews paraphrases Bazin thus, â€Å"here the original artwork can be likened to a crystal chandelier whose formal beauty is a product of its intricate but fully artificial ar rangement of parts while the cinema would be a crude flashlight intersecting not for its own shape or the quality of its light but for what it makes appear in this or that dark corner† (Andrews, p.423) Seen in light of this definition, A Day in the Country is the cinematic intersection of the literary work, for it brings to the table unique cinematic qualities of expression. This is most evident in passages in the film where dialogue takes

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Understand the role of the Sales Manager and to gain knowledge Essay - 1

Understand the role of the Sales Manager and to gain knowledge - Essay Example eet who was a Dutch trader specializing in the importation of coffee beans to the U.S which he would roast and crush them resulting in a delicious flavor. The trader owned a coffee kiosk that attracted a sizeable number of customers including the three founders of Starbucks. They opened a coffee store in Settle in 1971 through personal and borrowed capital. The brand name Starbucks was associated with traditional coffee traders and the legend of the high seas. Basically, the company deals with processing and selling differentiated coffee products such as roasted coffee beans, coffee and tea beverages, cold blended beverages as well as beverage-related accessories and equipment. The company promotes the livelihoods of the public especially in the coffee growing regions. It promotes environmental conservation through tree planting activities with coffee growing communities. It also supports wildlife conservation in the poor coffee producing countries as well as educating farmers on better methods of coffee production. The company supports education and community development in poor rural communities. Its policy on ethics supports the global business ethics and is implemented through established regulations that each member of the organization should follow on day to day basis. Currently the company directly employs 137,000 workers and more than 100,000 indirectly employed through its products supply chain. The company is a multinational with subsidiaries established in 55 countries globally. Diversity in the workforce is a strategic human resource management practice that allows integration of various competencies and talents disregarding racial and ethnic background or gender among employees. It helps to avoid discrimination in the workplace. The company engages in best human resource human resource practices and attaches great value to its human capital. Working conditions, remuneration and professional ethics are held with high regard. It is the best company